Kelowna Wins Tap Water Taste Challenge at BCWWA Annual Conference

The City of Kelowna, British Columbia won the inaugural British Columbia Water & Waste Association’s (BCWWA) “Best of the Best” tap water taste test challenge at the association’s annual conference. The City of Kelowna bested nearly a dozen other entrants.

“It’s gratifying when all our investments in innovative water treatment technology through the years results in recognition for our clear, great tasting drinking water,” said Kevin Van Vliet, the Kelowna utility services manager. “We need to also give credit to the wastewater treatment process we have that returns clear effluent to our drinking water source—Okanagan Lake.”

Tap water entered into the competition was sampled by four water taste professionals: Canadian Water and Wastewater Association executive director, Robert Haller; Fairmont Chateau Whistler executive chef, Robert Le Crom; Water Environment Federation president, Sandra Ralston; and American Water Works Association vice Ppresident, Rosemary Smud. The water was judged based on appearance, aroma, taste, mouth feel, aftertaste, and overall impression.

The aim of the contest was to raise awareness of water’s value, following findings in RBC’s 2014 Canadian Water Attitudes Survey that suggest Canadians are widely unaware of basic facts surrounding their drinking water.

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