Heraeus Noblelight Showing New Innovations at International Water Events

Heraeus Noblelight will be showcasing its latest UV lamp innovations at Aquatech 2008 in Amsterdam and will be represented at IWA 2008 in Vienna. The IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition takes place in Vienna, Sept. 8 to 11, while Aquatech, the world’s leading trade exhibition on process, drinking and waste water technology, will be in Amsterdam, Sept. 30 to Oct. 3.

Heraeus Noblelight will be showing UV lamps, which are used for drinking water disinfection in waterworks, for wastewater treatment in sewage treatment plants and for the treatment of industrial process water. These include low-pressure UVC lamps, compact, high power medium pressure UV lamps and Longlife amalgam lamps.

The company said in a press release that an “innovative and powerful UV amalgam lamp” will be launched at Aquatech.

Heraeus Noblelight GmbH with its headquarters in Hanau and with subsidiaries in the USA, Great Britain, France, China, Australia and Puerto Rico, is one of the technology- and market-leaders in the production of specialist light sources.

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