The Town of Collingwood has charged two east-end industries with violating the sewer use bylaw, reports the Enterprise-Bulletin. On Thursday, the mayor’s office announced charges had been laid against Collingwood Ethanol and Canadian Mist after town officials determine effluent from both businesses had unacceptable levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BODs) and suspended solids; high levels of BODs and suspended solids place increased demands on the function of the town’s wastewater treatment system.

Industries that discharge effluent into the system are tested on a daily basis, reports During July, there were two cases where both plants have been over the allowable limits. For example, the allowable limit of BODs is 300 milligrams, in some cases the plants were discharging 1,200 milligrams.

“We have been working cooperatively to try and resolve the other issues such as odour, noise and vibration,” Mayor Chris Carrier stated in a news release. “It is unfortunate that it has come to the point of laying charges, but their sewage discharges and resultant disruption to our Waste Water Treatment Plant are not acceptable and cannot be allowed to continue.”

Under the bylaw, a first offence for a corporation carries a fine up to $25,000.


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