CMHC Awards 17 Grants

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has announced 17 new grants totaling more than $84,000 under its Affordability and Choice Today (ACT) Initiative.

Operating since 1990, ACT provides grants up to $5,000, to local teams made up of municipalities, builders and housing stakeholders who promote the improvement of planning and building regulations in their communities to lower the cost of housing. ACT also offers a wealth of proven best practices and lessons learned so that communities can benefit from the innovations of others.

ACT is funded by CMHC and administered and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, with the participation of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association and the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association.

Water on the Ground: Water Efficiency Planning Workshop (from the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, University of Victoria, B.C.) was awarded a $4,860 grant to develop and deliver a workshop for municipal staff to discuss water conservation planning and the regulatory barriers the building industry faces in implementing water efficiency technologies, including development charges and permit processes. Removing these barriers will potentially defer or avoid increased water infrastructure capital costs and reduce housing costs.

For a detailed list of winners and more information on ACT, click here.

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