The City of Charlottetown’s Water and Sewer Utility Department is making an effort to encourage homeowners to have water meters installed in their homes for the Voluntary Metering Program. The program, in effect since 2010, currently has over 600 customers.
The utility serves more than 7,000 flat rate customers and is working towards a mandatory universally metered system to ensure fair billing to customers, increases in water efficiency, better water use management, and a more sustainable service. A city council resolution from October will see universal metering for all current flat-rate customers by December 2019.
“Charlottetown residents continue to be a major driver in the success of the City’s conservation efforts,” said Mayor Clifford Lee. “The number of metering volunteers that we have seen so far and that we anticipate in the next year is a true reflection of the commitment residents have to conservation.”
For residents interested in switching to a metered rate, the utility is now offering to make arrangements with homeowners to have the meter installed and to cover the costs of the meter and plumbing.
“Moving towards a fully metered system is a very important component of our conservation program,” said Councillor Edward Rice, chair of the Water and Sewer Utility. “Seeing the leadership of city council on this important project shows strong support for the conservation program and the utility department. There is still a lot of work to be done on conservation, but metering will be a major step forward for the City on this front.”
Victoria has water meters, but Vancouver douse not. Kudos the the Eastern Provence for looking at infrastructure.
We, in Victoria are still replacing wood stay pipes that have served Victorians for water incoming from the reservoir for well over one-hundred years. They were metering our water consumption well before replacing the leaky wood pipes. 🙂
Now if we could just have “appropriate” sewage treatment in Victoria. It seems the ideas are still stuck one-hundred years ago due the the technology planned for our upcoming Sewage Treatment System. What do you do with the sludge; truck it elsewhere? And they only want to build one.
It is a question of, is that technology any better (more sustainable, Biomimicing) than our current situation of sending screened waste into fast moving ocean.
Victoria has water meters, but Vancouver douse not. Kudos the the Eastern Provence for looking at infrastructure.
We, in Victoria are still replacing wood stay pipes that have served Victorians for water incoming from the reservoir for well over one-hundred years. They were metering our water consumption well before replacing the leaky wood pipes. 🙂
Now if we could just have “appropriate” sewage treatment in Victoria. It seems the ideas are still stuck one-hundred years ago due the the technology planned for our upcoming Sewage Treatment System. What do you do with the sludge; truck it elsewhere? And they only want to build one.
It is a question of, is that technology any better (more sustainable, Biomimicing) than our current situation of sending screened waste into fast moving ocean.
Victoria has water meters, but Vancouver douse not. Kudos the the Eastern Provence for looking at infrastructure.
We, in Victoria are still replacing wood stay pipes that have served Victorians for water incoming from the reservoir for well over one-hundred years. They were metering our water consumption well before replacing the leaky wood pipes. 🙂
Now if we could just have “appropriate” sewage treatment in Victoria. It seems the ideas are still stuck one-hundred years ago due the the technology planned for our upcoming Sewage Treatment System. What do you do with the sludge; truck it elsewhere? And they only want to build one.
It is a question of, is that technology any better (more sustainable, Biomimicing) than our current situation of sending screened waste into fast moving ocean.
Victoria has water meters, but Vancouver douse not. Kudos the the Eastern Provence for looking at infrastructure.
We, in Victoria are still replacing wood stay pipes that have served Victorians for water incoming from the reservoir for well over one-hundred years. They were metering our water consumption well before replacing the leaky wood pipes. 🙂
Now if we could just have “appropriate” sewage treatment in Victoria. It seems the ideas are still stuck one-hundred years ago due the the technology planned for our upcoming Sewage Treatment System. What do you do with the sludge; truck it elsewhere? And they only want to build one.
It is a question of, is that technology any better (more sustainable, Biomimicing) than our current situation of sending screened waste into fast moving ocean.