The City of Calgary’s Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTP) has earned a 2010 Excellence in Environmental Engineering Award from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). The winners were recognized at the AAEE Awards Luncheon at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on April 28.

Designed and constructed by CH2M HILL, this next generation wastewater treatment facility incorporates advanced technology to provide the highest level of treated effluent quality among all major cities in western Canada. The Pine Creek project has been planned, designed, and implemented using an integrated approach to sustainability considering aesthetics, environmental design, economic viability, and the diverse interests of multiple stakeholders.

The plant’s initial capacity of 100 ML/d will serve a population of 250,000 but must allow for expansion to an ultimate capacity of 700 ML/d and a service population of 1.75 million. The level of treatment required is extremely high, exceeding regulatory requirements. The treatment process for the Pine Creek WWTP includes biological nutrient removal, tertiary filtration using filter disk technology, and ultra-violet light disinfection. Treated effluent is discharged to the Bow River via diffusers constructed below the riverbed. Portions of the treated effluent are reused within the plant and will also be used to irrigate the nearby Blue Devil golf course and City tree nursery. This will help the City to achieve its long-term water efficiency goal to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable needs.

One of the unique features of the project will be a future on-site Pine Creek Research Centre, a collaborative effort between the City and the University of Calgary. The Centre will be used for research, operator training, and new prototype testing.


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