Two documents released for public comment by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) are now available on the Walkerton Clean Water Centre’s (WCWC) Drinking Water Resource Library.
This includes the proposed amendments to the Watermain Disinfection Procedure (WDP, 2015) and a draft terms of reference: Determination of Minimum Treatment for Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems Using Subsurface Raw Water Supplies. These documents are both available for discussion purposes only.
The amendments to the WDP were developed with a large stakeholder group composed of municipal representatives, Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA), Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA), Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), and MECP staff. Amendments were identified through requests for clarification and relief related to new/planned watermain construction and replacement.
The terms of reference document will to be used to determine whether a subsurface water supply requires treatment beyond a minimum level of disinfection required to inactivate or remove viruses and bacteria (i.e. whether or not treatment for protozoa is required).
Any comments or need for further information can be addressed to the following:
Aziz Ahmed, P.Eng.
Licensing and Approvals Section, Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch, Environmental Assessment and Permissions Division,
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Tel: 416.314.4625
Toll free: 1.888.999.1305
Email: [email protected]
About the Walkerton Clean Water Centre
WCWC is an agency of the Government of Ontario, established in 2004, to help ensure clean and safe drinking water for the entire province. WCWC coordinates and provides education, training, and information to drinking water system owners, operators and operating authorities, and the public, in order to safeguard Ontario’s drinking water. Through partnerships, WCWC also provides training for the 133 First Nations communities in Ontario.