The Town of Caledon’s Engineering staff received the ‘Healthy Water Award’ from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for hosting Stormwater Management Pond inspection and maintenance workshops for municipalities across Ontario.
“Stormwater is a critical town service that helps protect water quality; it manages the runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns and other sites,” said Andrew Pearce, Director Engineering Services. “We’re honoured to share our knowledge and experience in stormwater management and thank the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for the recognition.”
The Town of Caledon builds and maintains a network of stormwater ponds, culverts, pipes and drains to move water runoff from properties and roads to the natural environment. The stormwater network reduces flooding and protects the quality of water in Caledon.
2022 Conservation Healthy Water Award
The award is presented to individuals and groups who have completed a project that improves, supports or protects the water quality in the Lake Simcoe watershed. Projects could include: stormwater management; water conservation; streambank and shoreline restoration or stabilization; low impact development techniques; or source water protection.
Photo Left to Right: Andrew Pearce Director Engineering Services, Town of Caledon, Tom Vegh, LSRCA Board Member and Newmarket Deputy Mayor, Dalia Al-Ali Senior Project Manager, Storm Water Management, Town of Caledon, Cassie Schembri Senior Project Manager, Storm Water Management, Town of Caledon, Wayne Emmerson, LSRCA Chair, York Region Chair and CEO