Salma Zahid, member of parliament for Scarborough Centre, has announced funding for rehabilitating culverts in the City of Toronto.

The project consists of rehabilitating six culverts that have been identified as critically important to help manage a 100-year storm event. Construction work on these six culverts will strengthen their integrity and up-sizing these structures will reduce the risk of flooding and flood damage for residents.

“Extreme weather events are becoming more and more common in Canadian towns and cities,” said Salma Zahid, member of parliament for Scarborough Centre. “It is time to take concrete steps to adapt to the impacts of climate change to ensure a safe, prosperous future for our families, our businesses, and the environment. The culvert rehabilitation project will help better protect Toronto residents against flooding and reduce recovery costs and property damage.”

Once completed, this project will help reduce the effects of flooding events for almost 3 million residents, protect municipal infrastructure, and reduce the impact on the environment caused by heavy rain and snow melt. This project will reduce the number of residents without essential services by 91 per cent and the directly affected people by 75 per cent.

The Government of Canada is investing over $8.7 million through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), and the City of Toronto is contributing more than $13.1 million.

DMAF is a $2-billion, 10-year program to help communities build the infrastructure they need to better withstand natural hazards such as floods and droughts.


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