The District of Tofino has been awarded a $150,000 grant from the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for the District of Tofino Flood Mapping Project. The project will map flood plains, sea level rise planning areas, and identify tsunami evacuation routes and safe areas.
The funding comes from the Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Mapping & Flood Mitigation Planning program within the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund. The intent of this funding stream is to ensure local governments have accurate knowledge of the flood hazards they face and to develop effective strategies to mitigate and prepare for those risks. Funding is provided by the Province of BC and is administered by the Union of BC Municipalities.
“This investment in community emergency preparedness will help us better withstand floods, tsunamis and climate change events that could affect our community. Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility that begins in every home, in every business, and across all levels of government,” said Aaron Rodgers, manager of Community Sustainability.
The information gathered from the District of Tofino Flood Mapping Project will form the basis of a future comprehensive coastal flood risk assessment that specifically evaluates the risks and impacts of storm surges, high tides, waves, climate change (sea level rise), coastal erosion, subsidence, soil liquefaction, and tsunamis.
“This funding is an important step toward gaining accurate knowledge of the flooding hazards we face, and towards the development of effective strategies to mitigate and prepare for those risks,” said Rodgers.
The Project also seeks to determine appropriate Flood Construction Levels for Tofino based on the Provincial Flood Plain Guidelines. The data will be used to update District of Tofino policies and bylaws, such as the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, and to create new policies and/or bylaws, such as a Flood Control Bylaw to regulate future development.