Tag: water footprint

Survey: Four-in-five Canadians feel sustainable living is much easier for wealthy...

Toronto – Despite transparent political attacks on the ESG investing movement (environmental, social and governance) that are happening in the U.S. every day, one Canadian...

Health-Care Facilities Are Cleaning Up Their Water Footprint

Hospitals are ground zero for healing the sick, curing disease, and saving lives. So it is unsettling to think of hospitals as less than...

Food and Beverage Sector Demand for Treatment to Reach $336M

As food processing plants look to reduce their water footprints, wastewater discharge, and wastewater treatment costs, the market for water and wastewater treatment equipment...

Projects to Map Aquifers in B.C.’s Horn River Basin

Geoscience BC and the Horn River Basin Producers Group have launched several collaborative geoscience projects to identify and map subsurface aquifers in the Horn...

WWF: Canadians Using Three Times Share of Global Resources

Human demands on the world's resources have reached nearly a third more than planet can sustain, according to the latest edition of WWF's Living...

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