Tag: Conference Board of Canada

Reuse It or Lose It

Canada depends on its water for agricultural, industrial, and domestic uses—but does it use more than it needs? A report from the Conference Board...

Innovate/Invest, the Water Opportunities Act

The Ontario government has promised, through the proposed Water Opportunities Act, to position the province as a major force in the global water market....

Full-Cost Pricing Necessary, Says Report

Consumers must pay for every unit of water they use, and the price must reflect the cost of supplying it, the Conference Board of...

Opportunity Knocks

Water tariffs are on the rise throughout North America and around the world, as we all try to figure out how we're going to...

Poor Results in Water, Waste and Greenhouse Gases Worsen Canada’s Environmental...

Canada's environmental record is one of the worst-standing 15th out of 17 developed countries- according to the latest Report Card on Canada: How Canada...

Global Opportunities for Canada: Conference Board

"The biggest challenge is to bring Canada's widely dispersed technologies together, so that Canadian companies can compete on a global scale, and ultimately become...

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