The Town of Stratford in P.E.I. has approved a resolution to award the tender for its wastewater delivery system to the Charlottetown Pollution Control Plant.

The project was tendered twice before with the bids significantly exceeding the budget both times. This time, additional changes were made to the design to reduce cost. The provincial work that is required to stabilize the embankment and upgrade the structure were included in a combined tender. These changes resulted in the attraction of three bidders and pricing that is within the budgeted amount.

“We are extremely happy to be moving forward on this important project,” stated Steve Ogden, mayor of Stratford. “There has been a great deal of time spent by staff and both the current and previous councils to get us to today. Through these efforts, residents can be assured that this project is now moving ahead and within the budget we had planned for.”

The current tendering for the wastewater delivery system received three bids with the successful bidder being Birch Hill Construction. The Town of Stratford’s budget for this project is $10,925,000 of which $8,659,684.40 is included in this tender. The remaining $2.2 million will be used for the engineering tendering and decommissioning of the lagoon system once the new pumping station and piping have been commissioned in the fall of 2020.

The Town of Stratford’s portion of the project remains $2,731,250. The federal and provincial governments will be funding the difference through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund.

Work on the project is anticipated to get underway this fall with completion in the fall of 2020. Once the work is completed, the Town of Stratford will be able to decommission the lagoons with the intention of turning the area into green space to create a more inviting entrance to the community.



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