The Shuswap Watershed Council (SWC) is inviting another round of applications to its Water Quality Grant Program. 

“One of the SWC’s primary objectives is to protect and maintain the water quality in Shuswap and Mara  Lakes,” said Erin Vieira, program manager for the SWC. “In particular, we’re focussed on reducing  nutrient inputs to rivers and lakes.” 

Excessive amounts of nutrients, especially phosphorus, can contribute to algal blooms which reduce the  quality of water for drinking and recreation, and can become toxic for people, pets, and livestock. 

“The goal of our grant program is to help farmers and landowners keep nutrients on the land and in the  soil, being used by crops and vegetation—not washing off into nearby creeks and rivers through rain,  snowmelt, or flooding,” said Vieira. 

Up to $60,000 is available in the current intake. Farmers, agri-businesses, hobby farmers, and landowners  within the Shuswap watershed are invited to apply for funding to go toward projects or land management  practices that reduce, capture, or divert nutrients away from surface waters. Funding will be distributed to  successful applicants in early 2022. 

“After the positive outcomes last year, we’re very pleased to be inviting another round of applications to  our grant program,” said Paul Demenok, chair of the SWC. “We look forward to creating new partnerships  in the Shuswap to protect our water quality, and help farms and other land holdings reduce their  phosphorus footprint.” 

More information about the grant program and how to apply is available here. The  application period closes on January 31, 2022.


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