The Capital Regional District has issued a Request for Proposals to three qualified proponents as part of the competitive selection process for the contract to design and build the expanded Clover Point Pump Station. The shortlisted proponents are:
- BIRD Construction Inc.;
- Kenaidan Contracting Ltd.; and
- Maple Reinders Inc.
Proponents are scheduled to submit their proposals this summer and the Wastewater Treatment Project Team expects to award a contract in late fall 2017. Construction on the Clover Point Pump Station is anticipated to begin in early 2018 after the design has been completed. The Clover Point Pump Station will be complete by 2020.
The Clover Point Pump Station was built in the 1970s and is owned and operated by the Capital Regional District (CRD). The current pump station pumps wastewater directly into the ocean. The expanded pump station will pump wastewater to the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant for tertiary treatment during normal flows and provide bypass pumping to the existing Clover Point outfall during storm events.
The Clover Point Pump Station expansion will be primarily underground and below the grade of the adjacent section of Dallas Road. The expanded facility will use materials that will allow it to blend with the existing facility and surrounding area. It will also include upgraded odour and noise control features.
The Wastewater Treatment Project is being funded by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia, and the CRD.
The Wastewater Treatment Project will provide tertiary treatment for wastewater from the core area municipalities of Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Oak Bay, View Royal, Langford, Colwood, and the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. The Wastewater Treatment Project, to be completed by the end of 2020, consists of the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Residuals Treatment Facility at Hartland Landfill, and the conveyance system that will carry wastewater from across the core area to the treatment plant, and residual solids to the Residuals Treatment Facility.