Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is actively seeking applications for technology innovations in all areas of sustainable development that deliver clean water, clean soil, clean air, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

The $550-million SD Tech Fund is open for Statements of Interest (SOI) for its fourteenth round of funding until October 22, 2008.

“We want to hear from clean technology developers across Canada about the technology solutions they bring to environmental issues,” said Vicky J. Sharpe, president and CEO of SDTC. “By providing entrepreneurs with early-stage funding when it is most needed SDTC helps propel innovative clean technologies to commercialization thereby building tomorrow’s industry leaders while tackling our environmental challenges.”

In particular, SDTC sees tremendous growth potential for technologies that address issues related to clean water and clean soil. Water purification, conservation, waste and storm water treatment, in addition to soil decontamination and soil quality improvement solutions, are areas in which SDTC is seeking to fund projects.

“Water and soil solutions are still at the nascent stage in Canada. Developing new technologies to address the growing environmental challenges facing the industrial, resource extraction and municipal sectors represents an enormous economic opportunity for innovative companies to capitalize on,” said Sharpe.

To date, SDTC has allocated $342 million to 144 clean technology projects. An additional $800M million has been leveraged from project consortia members, for a total portfolio value of $1.14 billion. The pre-market validation that SDTC has brought to its portfolio companies has enabled significant follow-on funding from the Venture Capital community and Project Finance players.

Information on the application process and funding requirements can be found here. The next call for SOIs will open February 25, 2009.


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