The province of Quebec is enforcing the changes to the plumbing code that have been in development since last year. The Canadian Water Qualtiy Association (CWQA) announced in a press release it has — via the Plumbing Industry Advisory Committee — sent feedback to the Régie du bâtiment du Québec to adjust the enforcement dates of the regulations to allow members to clear their shelves of product in preparation for the changes and to allow CSA B483’s testing and certification process to come into effect. To date CSA has not announced the certification program — it is in the final stages of development.
The Oct. 2 deadline was decided upon without the feedback of the industry in this latest revision to the codes, the CWQA noted.
As of Oct. 2, it will be illegal to sell or lease uncertified materials, appliances or equipment to be used in a plumbing installation. Also the sale or lease of uncertified or approved drinking water treatment comes into effect on that date.
Both regulatory changes came into force on July 1 as well as other changes to Chapter Plumbing Code of construction.