On May 27, Mississauga, Ontario’s City Council approved a new stormwater charge that will appear on residents’ Region of Peel water bill beginning January 2016. The new charge will help reduce the risk of flooding as well as protect water quality.

“Having a dedicated and fair stormwater charge is the right this to do,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “It will fund the City’s stormwater program and minimize the risks to people, properties and the environment.”

The new charge will factor in the runoff a property generates, and owners will be charged based on the amount of hard surface area on their property.

City Manager and CAO Janice Baker explained: “Stormwater management is a big ticket item for a large urban city the size of Mississauga. The City owns $1.8 billion in stormwater infrastructure that needs to be properly maintained. With heavier rainfalls, more people living here and more businesses operating here, the amount of stormwater running off hard surfaces.”

Currently the 2016 stormwater rate is planned to be set at $100 per billing unit, but most owners will pay less than that amount. Each year, Council will set the stormwater rate as part of the City’s budget process. In 2016, residential property owners will pay $50 to $170 for stormwater depending on their tier.


  1. Such a great initiative!
    There is an incentive program where multi-residential and non-residential properties can apply to reduce their Storm Water charge by up to 50% in the categories of Peak flow reduction, Water quality treatment, Runoff volume reduction, and Pollution prevention.

    However, there is no similar incentive program for single-residential homes or townhouses. Hopefully this will be a future development!

  2. Such a great initiative!
    There is an incentive program where multi-residential and non-residential properties can apply to reduce their Storm Water charge by up to 50% in the categories of Peak flow reduction, Water quality treatment, Runoff volume reduction, and Pollution prevention.

    However, there is no similar incentive program for single-residential homes or townhouses. Hopefully this will be a future development!


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