Mississauga, ON – Mississauga council has approved the City’s first Stormwater Master Plan, Build Beautiful. The long-term plan will be used to refine the City’s stormwater program, stormwater management systems and infrastructure.
“In Mississauga, we’re experiencing heavier rainfall and more severe storms related to climate change. Through the newly approved plan, the City can help address issues facing Mississauga today, including flooding, water quality and pollution while working to preserve our environment,” said Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning and Engineering Services.
The Stormwater Master Plan builds on the City’s existing stormwater management program and outlines 22 actions with supporting activities and recommendations for managing rainwater in Mississauga.
Rogers added, “Freshwater is a scarce resource and Mississauga is fortunate to be located near the Great Lakes system, one of the largest freshwater resources in the world. Managing the City’s stormwater is very important. Rainwater and snowmelt end up in Lake Ontario, which is the City’s drinking water source. Stormwater management is crucial in protecting public safety and health, and works to reduce flood risks, control erosion and maintain water quality in local natural waterways.”
The City manages stormwater by planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining stormwater assets (i.e. sewers, catch basins, storm drains) within municipal roadways, public easements and other City lands. This includes:
- Erosion and sediment control
- Flood protection projects
- Maintenance and repairs to existing infrastructure
- Emergency response to flooding, spills and clean-up
- Street sweeping
- By-law enforcement to protect the environment and prevent interference with the operation of the stormwater management system
Climate change and stormwater
The City’s Climate Change Action Plan identifies actions that the City plans to accomplish within the next five to ten years to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This includes several stormwater management actions to support resilient and sustainable infrastructure, including the recommendation to develop a Stormwater Master Plan.
Learn more about the City’s existing stormwater program and how the new Master Plan relates to climate change in Mississauga.
The City is working with its municipal partners, the Region of Peel, Credit Valley Conservation, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Conservation Halton and Indigenous Peoples and Nations to ensure that the Build Beautiful plan continues to meet Mississauga’s changing needs now and in the future.
For more information about the plan, visit mississauga.ca/stormwater-master-plan.