The Town of La Scie, Newfoundland has received $314,000 through the 2008-09 Municipal Capital Works (MCW) program to remove creosote timber from the water supply intake area.
The MCW program fosters the development of cost-shared projects in a wide range of municipal infrastructure, including water and waste water treatment, roads, recreational facilities and fire equipment.
Through the 2008-09 program, $33.4 million will be spent on many infrastructure improvement projects province-wide. Under the program, the provincial government will contribute $28.9 million and the municipalities will contribute $4.5 million. Towns will also utilize the federal GST rebate as part of the capital cost.
Changes to the cost-share ratios for municipalities were announced in April 2008. These changes state that towns with populations under 3,000 now have to contribute only 10 per cent toward the cost of capital infrastructure. Towns with populations between 3,000 and 7,000 contribute 20 per cent and the largest cities and towns with populations over 7,000 contribute 30 per cent.