The Government of Alberta has charged Jasper-based Bowen Contracting Ltd. and its director Murdock Bowen for not complying with an order to protect a creek bank and shoreline.

The charges, laid under the Water Act, stem from an October 2018 water management order issued to Murdock Bowen and his company. Under the order, the parties were directed to remove a steel bridge that was believed to be causing damage to the bank and shoreline of Maskuta Creek, southwest of Hinton. The order directed the parties to develop and implement a remedial plan, among other steps.

The charges are a result of alleged non-compliance with that order. Bowen Contracting faces eight charges under the Water Act, with the company’s director being named on four of those charges.

The first court appearance is set for Aug. 21, 2019 at the Hinton Court House.


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