The City of Port Alberni has responded to a letter from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (Ministry) addressing certain deficiencies in the now operational wastewater treatment plant.
On December 3, 2024, the City of Port Alberni received a letter from the Ministry following a planned site inspection of the City treatment plant. The purpose of the inspection was to assess compliance with the Environmental Management Act (EMA) as well as the Operational Certificate (OC) issued to the City by the Ministry. The letter flagged several areas of compliance relating to administrative obligations and monitoring requirements that need to be addressed by the City.
On January 13, 2025, a report was brought to Council outlining the Action Plan to address the areas of compliance that require the City’s attention.
“It is typical that with a new facility issues arise as you learn and navigate the new operating system. Much of what was contained in the Ministry’s letter is administrative in nature and can be resolved with improved planning, training and transfer of knowledge between staff,” said Mike Fox, City CAO. “For items tied to monitoring and operations, we are confident that the facility is achieving the level of treatment expected, and that the receiving environment is not being negatively impacted by its operations. Staff will continue moving forward with its action plan to address all non-compliant items” concluded Mr. Fox.
Actions to address compliance currently underway include:
- Submittal of required reports
- Amendments to OC to better align with daily operations
- Designing a retrofit for the existing effluent flow monitoring system
- Updating signage
- Re-assessing water quality results
The City is dedicated to ensuring that the receiving environment and public health are protected. We recognize the importance of correcting the deficiencies identified by the Ministry and are committed to bringing the facility into full compliance with the OC in a timely manner.
The City of Port Alberni treats wastewater from approximately 20,000 people in the Alberni Valley.
In 2003 the City, in consultation with technical and community stakeholders, identified that the most cost-effective way to meet the City’s wastewater treatment needs was to purchase and re-purpose the Catalyst paper mill’s effluent lagoons that had become surplus to the needs of Catalyst. The City began to expend funds on this project in 2012 when the paper mill lagoons were purchased from Catalyst. The City then proceeded with design and engineering work to have the plant and neighbouring lagoons upgraded to meet demand and come into alignment with Provincial and Federal standards for effluent treatment and discharge.
The first contract was awarded in September 2018. The Project broke ground in October 2019, and work was completed in fall 2022.
Key aspects of the Project included constructing a new aeration system, adding the screening of solids and ultraviolet light disinfection to the treatment process, constructing a new outfall 800 metres into the Alberni Harbour and improving effluent dispersal with the addition of five sub-surface diffusers.