Yesterday, the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board endorsed the Regional Water Supply Strategic Plan. The plan went through a public engagement process beginning in June and was considered by the Water Advisory Committee and approved by the Regional Water Supply Commission in October.

This Strategic Plan for Regional Water Supply sets commitments and identifies strategic priorities and actions, with a planning horizon to the year 2050 that will guide the future direction for the Regional Water Supply Service. The plan supports CRD Board priorities, provides context for water servicing policy, and aligns with other CRD strategies and plans.

Areas of focus include water supply system infrastructure investment, climate change adaptation impacts, preparing for emergency and post-disaster supply, addressing changing trends in water demand, and planning for the future.

Under its climate change focus, the Plan states that “All of these weather changes can have an impact on water supply, water quality and the health and resilience of forests in the watersheds.” A component of the adaptive measures will be making use of the Leech Water Supply Area, which the CRD acquired in 2007 to support its future water usage.

Great Victoria water system. Credit: CRD

The Plan also outlines three commitments supported by detailed descriptions of how the CRD will meet its commitments. The commitments being:

  1. Provide high quality, safe drinking water.
  2. Provide an adequate, long-term supply of drinking water.
  3. Provide a reliable and efficient drinking water transmission system.

The CRD thanks residents of the region, municipal stakeholders, First Nations, and Island Health for their input into developing the plan.

The CRD supplies drinking water for more than 370,000 people, supporting residential, commercial, institutional, light industrial, agricultural and public safety uses across the Greater Victoria area of Vancouver Island in British Columbia.


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