The Canadian Water Network (CWN) is asking the researcher and end-user community to review and provide comment on a draft national agenda on wastewater and biosolids research.
The national agenda was initiated by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), and prepared by a core group representing Environment Canada, CCME, the Canadian Water Network and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association.
The core group completed a first draft of the agenda in November 2011. Prior drafts of the Agenda have been reviewed externally and revised into the current version, which is now available for comment.
CWN will use the agenda to launch priority research projects in association with its Canadian Municipal Water Consortium. The process will begin with a workshop (March 29, 2012), at which priority topics will be drawn from the Agenda to match end-user needs. Participants will contribute to identifying these needs and will be provided the opportunity to consider offering partnership support to help conduct the ensuing research initiatives.
The assessment deadline is February 21, 2012. Find more details here.