APEGA initiating practice review on City of Calgary following watermain failure

Following the critical watermain failure in Calgary, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) is conducting a practice review on the City of Calgary.

The practice review will inquire into the city’s engineering processes and practices as per its obligations under the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, General Regulation, and APEGA’s practice standards. If the review indicates that unskilled practice or unprofessional conduct contributed to the watermain failure, the matter will be referred for investigation.

“APEGA’s role is to regulate the practices of engineering and geoscience. This includes reviewing the practices of our permit holders at regular intervals and when incidents, such as this watermain break, occur. This ensures all required standards are met to protect the public interest,” says John Corriveau, P.Eng., deputy registrar and chief regulatory officer.

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