Collingwood, ON – A three-year pilot project completed by Greenland International Consulting Ltd. studying the effectiveness of Clearflow Group’s Advanced Sedimentation Technologies (ASTs) has been completed at an active development site in Innisfil, Ontario.

Since 2015, Greenland and Clearflow have worked collaboratively on innovative water management solutions using Clearflow’s product line with Greenland’s 30-year engineering track record in stormwater management. This includes site solutions to address regulatory compliance targets, and regard for cumulative river basin conditions for a broader environmental risk mitigation perspective.

Conventional design of stormwater management facilities has been proven to be ineffective at removing fine-grained sediment (<40µm) from stormwater, causing negative impacts in downstream waterbodies. Compounding these impacts, are Phosphorous and heavy metals pollution. The pilot project monitored the performance of Clearflow’s Gel Flocculant Blocks and Treated Geo-Jute at removing fine sediments and nutrients at three stormwater management facilities that discharge to Lake Simcoe over the course of one year.

The gel flocculant blocks were easily installed in existing infrastructure upstream of stormwater management facilities resulting in quicker settlement rates in the forebay of the facilities. Not only was fine-grained sediment reduced but removals were also seen in particles below 2µm. This represented dissolved factions contained within the stormwater. No external power or equipment was required.

Over the 4-season monitoring and sampling period, the ASTs resulted in an average total suspended solid removal rate of 90 per cent on un-stabilized sites, compared to a pre-installation average of 60 per cent.

The products were also proven successful at removing phosphorus, with an average removal rate of 96 per cent over the course of the sampling period.

The success of ASTs at removing fine-grained sediments and nutrients will assist municipalities and developers in achieving long-term goals surrounding sediment management and site stabilization.Funding for this project was provided [in part] through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund, and via the Government of Canada.

Project leadership was delivered by the Town of Innisfil staff. See the presentation to Innisfil Council Here.


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