Funding announced for 19 Ontario water infrastructure projects

The governments of Canada and Ontario announced joint funding for 19 green infrastructure projects across Ontario for upgrades to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities and infrastructure.

“Green infrastructure, especially water infrastructure, is vital for community well-being and safety,” Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. “Today’s investment in 19 green infrastructure projects across Ontario will support better water management systems, increase protection from flooding and other environmental threats, and help create more sustainable and modern water infrastructure for thousands of residents.”

The Government of Canada is investing over $16 million in these projects through the Green Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada plan. The Government of Ontario is providing over $13 million, and municipalities are contributing over $14 million to their respective projects.

“The Government of Ontario is taking action to improve the quality of water and waste-water infrastructure in communities across the province,” added Ontario’s Minister of Infrastructure Kinga Surma.

Among the projects announced is the rehabilitation and upgrade of the Forsythe West Stormwater Management Facility in Uxbridge. The existing stormwater pond will be modified to increase stormwater management capacity. This includes installing stormwater storage and infiltration tanks, new concrete pipes, maintenance holes, and new headwalls to direct water flow and protect roads and embankments from erosion.

“This pond is adjacent to the popular South Balsam trail and, due to age, the pond is no longer as efficient in protecting our watershed as it once was,” said Dave Barton, Mayor of the Township of Uxbridge. “This project will replace the pond with a more efficient filtration system which will require less maintenance over time and remain effective over a longer lifespan.”

In Larder Lake, funding will support Phase 2 of the Larder Lake Road reconstruction project. The project includes replacing all damaged watermains, sections of sanitary sewer, repairing maintenance holes, and completing the rehabilitation of degraded infrastructure along 1.7 kilometres of Larder Lake Road. This project will help improve the quality of life in rural Larder Lake through eliminating health risks and preventing hazardous conditions that could impact the community and the environment.

The project in Laurentian Hills will see upgrades to its wastewater treatment facility. Work includes the replacement of the sewage, clarifier and aeration equipment, and the relining of the grit channel. New components will also be added to the facility including SCADA systems, a chlorine contact chamber, flocculants and coagulants, and additional sludge holding capacity. Once completed, this project will help reduce the discharge of untreated sewage, reduce phosphorous levels into the receiving stream, and allow the plant to operate more efficiently.

Additional investments in other green infrastructure projects across Ontario include upgrades to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities and infrastructure, the replacement of old pipes, in addition to road, curbs, and sidewalk upgrades, and other improvements to existing water distribution systems.



Project Information:

Project Name Location Project Details Federal Funding Provincial Funding Municipal Funding
Rehabilitation and Upgrade of the Forsythe West Stormwater Management Facility Uxbridge Upgrades to the stormwater facility include clearing the vegetation, as well as installing underground stormwater storage, concrete pipes, headwalls, and the addition and replacement of concrete storm sewer structures for residential roads. $945,888 $788,161 $650,925
Larder Lake Road Reconstruction Project – Phase 2 Wastewater and Water Larder Lake Replacement of all damaged water mains, sections of the sanitary sewer, repairing maintenance holes, and the rehabilitation of infrastructure along 1.7 kilometres of Larder Lake Road. $1,191,120 $992,501 $1,162,859
Laurentian Hills Wastewater System Laurentian Hills Upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility, including pipe repairs, replacement of the clarifier and aeration equipment. $1,164,468 $970,293 $812,409
Wingham Standpipe Replacement North Huron Replacement of the Wingham Standpipe. The work aims to increase water pressure in low pressure areas within the distribution system. $1,140,816 $950,585 $760,639
Evaluation and Expansion of Wastewater Storage Facilities St. Thomas Upgrades to the wastewater collection system will  increase underground wastewater storage. The  installation of in-line sewage flow meters and the rehabilitation of the sewage plant will better control wet flow and output during wet weather events. $1,112,820 $927,257 $741,973
Mary Street Water, Wastewater and Storm Sewer Replacement Project South Bruce Peninsula Replacement of 800 metres of 150 mm diameter wastewater main, the replacement of 725 metres of stormwater transmission piping as well as the replacement of 24 manholes, catch basins, and ditch inlets. $1,099,008 $915,748 $1,402,125
Replacement of the 400mm Madawaska River Water main Arnprior Replacement of the 400 mm water main that spans from the Arnprior Water Treatment Plant, across the Madawaska River, and to the elevated water storage tower. This will increase the reliability of the water distribution system, and reduce maintenance costs. $1,094,460 $911,959 $2,178,731
Englehart Water Supply Upgrade Englehart Expand the drinking water supply by adding a drilled well and rehabilitate two existing wells and install a standpipe to provide adequate water storage. The project will reduce the risk of low level conditions in the existing water system. $1,050,255 $875,125 $700,258
Rehabilitation of South River Watermains South River Replacement of approximately 2 kilometres of 4-inch cast iron watermains with 8-inch PVC piping, and the rehabilitation of the road surface. $1,049,760 $874,713 $699,927
Virginiatown Collection and Distribution Upgrades McGarry Replacement of  nearly 650 metres of water main, 650 metres of sewer pipe, fire hydrants, valves, manholes. Three kilometres of sewer pipe will be assessed. This will improve the drinking and wastewater distribution and collection systems in Viriginiatown. $942,413 $785,266 $1,321,956
Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewers on George and Seymour Streets Amherstburg Reconstruction of the existing sanitary system along three streets in the town’s historic core, including a new PCV sewer system that have a 100-year lifecycle, reducing potential for basement flooding, and groundwater and stormwater infiltration. $935,000 $779,089 $623,411
Audrey, Margaret, Jane, Clair and Sherk Sewer Separation Program Leamington Replacement of approximately 1.2 kilometres of combined sewers with separate storm and sanitary mains. Signage, curbing, and catch basins will also be replaced and the roadway will be upgraded. This will increase capacity at the sewage treatment plant. $868,860 $723,978 $579,312
Second Street and Bay Road Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Storm Drainage Reconstruction Moosonee Replacement of  575 metres of sanitary sewer and 7 manholes and 340 metres of watermain as well as installing 1,100 metres of roadside ditching, culverts, and adjusting stormwater inlets which will improve storm water drainage. $798,183 $665,086 $532,188
Glencoe Main Street Watermain Reconstruction Southwest Middlesex Replacement of the existing watermain with a new and wider pipe, the installation of 12 new fire hydrants, and replacement of the connections to private water service. This will prevent future drinking water advisories, increase water flow, and reduce maintenance costs. $781,440 $651,135 $521,025
5th Avenue – Sanitary and Storm System Reconstruction Cochrane Rehabilitation and replacement of 840 metres of sanitary sewer, constructing 240 metres of storm sewers, manholes and catch basins, and improvement of 330 metres of road and sidewalks. The work will help eliminate local flooding and reduce health and safety risks in the community. $768,720 $640,536 $512,544
Dungannon Drinking Water System Arsenic Treatment, Reservoir and Pump Station Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Addition of four new arsenic filters, two new interconnected reservoir tanks for treated water, a new septic system for arsenic treatment backwash water disposal, and new piping. This will reduce arsenic concentrations and add storage to the system. $409,776 $341,446 $384,199
Elk Lake James Street Stormwater Rehabilitation Township of James Installation of new 300mm diameter storm sewers, 200mm diameter subdrains and precast concrete catch basins on the upstream portion of Main and Elk Streets. This will reduce the risk of contamination to the river and property damage for residents. $338,244 $281,842 $225,524
Lemieux Street Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Mattice-Val Côté Replacement of the existing sanitary sewer with a wider pipe, connecting it to an existing manhole, installing heat cables, and flattening the slopes of the railway bed to stabilize the sanitary sewer with vibration and settlement monitoring. This will extend the life of the asset, increase capacity to treat wastewater and prevent raw sewage discharges. $204,303 $170,236 $136,219
Westport Pumping Station Modernization Westport Installation of a new pump with a control system, replacement of a back-up generator, and the addition of a grinder to break up solids and debris to safeguard downstream equipment. $167,500 $139,569 $111,681

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