Tag: Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative Selects Projects to Curb Pollution

The Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative (PRC) has chosen five projects from 11 proposals to develop and test technologies that intercept and remove phosphorus...

Funding for Strategy to Reduce Phosphorus Loss into the Thames River...

Efforts to reduce phosphorus loss into Ontario waterways and the Great Lakes will progress thanks to the funding announcement of $203,000 from Growing Forward...

Ontario Federation of Agriculture Elects New President

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) voted in a new president this week at the 81st annual meeting and convention. Keith Currie, a Simcoe...

Interview: Dianne Cunningham

On June 14, the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management released a report on its Water Innovation Forum, held January 23-24, 2011, in...

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