Sept/Oct 2023 Resources
Repeal of the First Nations Safe Drinking Water Act-pg.12
- Report of the Expert Panel on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations (November 2006) at page 18, online:
- Government of Canada, “Developing laws and regulations for First Nations drinking water and wastewater: engagement 2022 to 2023”, online:
- Ibid.
- Government of Canada, “Courts approve settlement agreement to resolve class action litigation related to safe drinking water in First Nations communities” (23 December 2021), online:
- Government of Canada, “Developing laws and regulations for First Nations drinking water and wastewater: engagement 2022 to 2023”, online:
- Ibid.
- A copy of the Consultation Draft can be found here: [the Proposed Act].
- Ibid at sections 3, 4.
- Ibid at section 5(2).
- Ibid at section 11.
- Dennis R. O’Connor, “Report of the Walkerton Inquiry: A Strategy for Safe Drinking Water, Dennis R. O’Connor” (23 May 2002), online: [the O’Connor Report].
- Proposed Act, supra note 7 at section 24
- Ibid at sections 15, 19, 20 and 26.
- Government of Canada, “Ending long-term drinking water advisories” (06 February 2023), online:
Asbestos in Canada’s Water Supply-pg.18
Health Canada 2021 Advisory:
W5 STORY Canadians should be very concerned about their drinking water — W5 investigates asbestos cement pipes:
W5 Story (on YouTube):
W5 MAP Where are the asbestos cement pipes delivering drinking water in Canada?
LINKS (Scientific Studies):
Review of published studies on gut penetration by ingested asbestos fibers (1983) PM Cook
Is drinking water safe? A neglected source of asbestos fibres (2022) Prof. Giovanni Brandi and Dr. Simona Tavolari
Asbestos and drinking water in Canada (1981) P Toft et al
Asbestos in drinking water: a Canadian view (1983) P Toft et al
Asbestos in drinking water and hazards to human health (2019) Michele Totaro et al
Possible health risks from asbestos in drinking water (2016) Agostino Di Ciaula et al
Asbestos ingestion and gastrointestinal cancer: a possible underestimated hazard (2017) Agostino Di Ciaula
Assessment of asbestos in drinking water in Alexandria, Egypt (2006) Gihan Hosny et al
Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and exposure to asbestos in drinking water among lighthouse keepers (Norway) (2005) Kristina Kjaerheim et al
Revolution on the Prairies-p.27
- Government of Canada, “Water Governance: Federal Policy and Legislation” (28 June 2023), online: Government of Canada, <>
- Water Security Agency, “Overview” (27 June 2023), online: Water Security Agency, <>
- Water Security Agency, “Strategic Plan” (28 June 2023), online: Water Security Agency, <>
- The Water Security Agency Act, SS 2005, c S-35.03
- The Water Security Agency Regulations, RRS c W-8.1 Reg 1
- The Saskatchewan Water Corporation Act, SS 2002, c S-35.01, s.5
- Water Security Agency, “State of the Watershed Reporting Framework” (27 June 2023), online: Water Security Agency, <>
- Water Security Agency, “Engagement Process” (28 June 2023), online: Water Security Agency, <>
- 25 Year Saskatchewan Water Security Plan, “Engagement and Consultation with First Nations and Metis Communities” (28 June 2023)
- Government of Saskatchewan, “Duty to Consult First Nation and Metis Communities” (26 June 2023), online: Government of Saskatchewan <>