great lakes - search results

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Building Healthy Soil

Urban development fundamentally changes the ways by which water flows through the local environment. Without the application of best management practices to control stormwater...

Lake Winnipeg Named World’s Most Threatened Lake

The Global Nature Fund has recognized Lake Winnipeg as the “most threatened lake of the year” of 2013. Lake Winnipeg, the tenth largest freshwater lake...

All Aboard

Across the video screen, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and benthos are collaborating to perform an intricate dance. After an intense two-day discussion at the Living Lakes Canada...

Manitoba Unveils Comprehensive Environmental Strategy

Manitoba continues moving forward on environmental protection with an aggressive strategy of more than 100 initiatives across government that will bolster the Province’s economy...

The Sacred Headwaters: The Fight to Save the Stikine, Skeena, and Nass

Water Canada recently spoke with Canadian anthropologist, best-selling author, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, Wade Davis, about his new book, The Sacred Headwaters: The Fight to Save the Stikine, Skeena, and Nass.

Canada Water Week: What’s All the Fuss About?

Tim Morris launches our Canada Water Week series. Watch all week for more articles on events and organizations across Canada! Why am I so excited...

Going Solo

Roman aqueducts and sewers provide a powerful emblem of the antiquity of urban water infrastructure—centralized approaches to water and wastewater service provision may seem...

RBC Blue Water Project Announces Leadership Grant Recipients

Twenty-two organizations, selected from ...

Barrier One

Source water protection—an essential first barrier in a multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water—has been the focus of a number of recent provincial strategies,...
water opportunites

Innovate/Invest, the Water Opportunities Act

The Ontario government has promised, through the proposed Water Opportunities Act, to position the province as a major force in the global water market....

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