"wastewater treatment' - search results

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Death to Bacteria

In our rush to use new technologies in the improvement of man-made materials or to clean up the environment, sometimes we forget to consider...

Opportunity Knocks

Water tariffs are on the rise throughout North America and around the world, as we all try to figure out how we're going to...

Medication Present in St. Lawrence River

Chemotherapy products and certain hypertension and cholesterol medications are present in the St. Lawrence River. A study conducted by Université de Montréal researchers reveals that...

Orangeville Endorses Xogen Pilot Project for Sewage Treatment Plant

The Council of the Town of Orangeville last night passed a resolution supporting in principle a proposal from Orangeville-based Xogen Technologies Inc. to pilot...

Pictou County to See Wastewater Improvements

Residents in New Glasgow, Stellarton, Trenton, Westville, and the Municipality of Pictou, Nova Scotia, will see improved wastewater treatment thanks to a shared investment...

US Water Infrastructure Spending Falls: Report

America's water and wastewater sector looks set to decline further in 2009, as capital expenditure on crucial infrastructure projects is cut back by 12.9...

Guelph Turns Wastewater Gas into Energy

Recent upgrades to the cogeneration facility at the City of Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will allow the city to save money by producing...

New Edge: Water and Wastewater at Whistler Olympic Park

An EPCOR-led team has completed the design and construction of both the water supply and wastewater facilities for the Whistler Olympic/Paralympic Park. An EPCOR...

Portage Denies Univar Canada Price Increase

Portage City Council has rejected a request for an increase to the amount paid for phosphoric acid from Univar Canada, reports PortageOnline.com. The company issued...

Seprotech Announces Expansion

Seprotech Systems Inc., a water and wastewater treatment systems manufacturer, announced at WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference) that it will be...

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