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Experts Question First Nations Drinking Water Engagement Process

On May 29, 2017, the federal ministry of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada posted a notice online that engagement with First Nations for safe...

First Nations Access to Water Infrastructure Linked to Health

International development experts are well aware that families in poor countries living without a toilet or piped drinking water are at risk for all...
Courtesy: Splatsin First Nation

B.C. Funds Alternative Drinking Water Sources in Hullcar Valley

The Government of British Columbia has announced that it will provide $950,000 for alternative drinking water sources, treatment for domestic well users, and sustainable,...

Drinking Water Solutions for Ont. First Nations Flawed

The David Suzuki Foundation has released a report assessing the progress of the federal government in ending long-term Drinking Water Advisories (DWAs) in nine...

Mercury 40 Times Limit in Walleye

An investigation conducted by the Toronto Star has concluded that the walleye in Clay Lake that feeds residents of Grassy Narrows First Nation near...

AFN Chief Perry Bellegarde Calls For Immediate Investment in Safe Water Systems

Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde today said that a detailed investigative report by the Globe & Mail outlining the troubling...

AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde calls for plan to end water crisis in First...

Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde announced that the report by Human Rights Watch,  Make It Safe: Canada’s Obligation to End...

Ontario First Nations Take Water Plight to the United Nations

Three northwestern Ontario First Nations have taken their plight for safe drinking water to an international authority. Representatives from Grassy Narrows, Shoal Lake 40, and...

David Versus Goliath

Ristigouche-Partie-Sud-Est (hereafter “Ristigouche”), a small municipality of 168 inhabitants located in Gaspésie, Quebec, is facing a lawsuit of $1.5 million by Gastem, a local...

Rights and Reconciliation

This summer, four Alberta First Nations decided to pursue judicial consideration of their right to water. Over the past decade, the issue of unsafe...

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