"alberta" - search results
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New Construction, Upgrades Approved for Kananaskis Country Facility
Kananaskis Country’s Evan-Thomas Provincial Recreation Area will soon see water and wastewater treatment plants and upgrades.
“This community has seen a lot of...
Kent Reveals Second Phase of Oil Sands Plan
Environment Minister Peter Kent today issued a press release announcing an integrated monitoring plan for Canada's oil sands region. The Government of Canada will...
CEMA Forms Groundwater Working Group
The Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA) has launched a new Groundwater Working Group (GWWG) to focus on improving scientific knowledge of regional groundwater systems...
Heating Up
Canadian lakes, like those in other northern regions, are warming up faster than lakes further south, according to satellite data from NASA’s Jet Propulsion...
Premiers Establish Water Stewardship Council
Yesterday's Canadian Water Summit couldn't have fallen on a better day. The Council of the Federation (COF), comprised of Canada's premiers, concurrently announced that...
Selinger Unveils New Plan for Lake Winnipeg
The Government of Manitoba will take new action to protect the province’s water and save Lake Winnipeg, Premier Greg Selinger announced yesterday.
“The stakes...
Manitoba to Launch Action Plan for Lake Winnipeg: Selinger
The Government of Manitoba will take the steps necessary to save Lake Winnipeg, Premier Greg Selinger announced today, concluding Dr. Peter Leavitt's five-year study...
Red Cross Offers Help for Flood Evacuees
With floods expected to worsen with the spring thaw, the Canadian Red Cross is ready to ramp up its response for families who...
Kent Releases Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Plan
Earlier this week, Environment Minister Peter Kent presented Environment Canada's plan for a new Lower Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Program. Developed in collaboration with...
Most Canadians Have “No Concept” of the Real Value of Water: Study
While the majority of Canadians (55 per cent) continue to believe that fresh water is the country's most important natural resource and say they...